A sexual predator found guilty of raping two woman, attempting to rape another, and abducting a child was branded a dangerous offender as he was sentenced to more than 30 years.

Roy Foster preyed on vulnerable women and children to satisfy his sexual urges, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The 63-year-old’s first offences happened several years ago, before he re-started his sexual offending 40 years later.

Ian West, prosecuting, said the defendant had targeted four different females to satisfy his sexual needs and his offences had significantly impacted on them.

The victim of his first sexual assault and rape, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said she had lived with the guilt and shame for decades before he told the police what had happened to her more than 40 years later.

Foster’s second victim was a vulnerable woman who the defendant had targeted before sexually assaulting her twice and attempting to rape her.

The third victim was a vulnerable teenager who the defendant would buy alcohol for before he twice raped her.

And the final victim was a young girl who the defendant persuaded to go into his house before a member of the public intervened and removed the child to safety.

The Northern Echo: Roy FosterRoy Foster (Image: Cleveland Police)

Foster, of Low Grange Avenue, Billingham, was convicted of three counts of rape, two counts of attempted rape, one count of indecent assault, one count of sexual assault and one count of child abduction with intent to commit a sexual offence.

Paul Cleasby, mitigating, said his client went 40 years between committing the offences and had been remanded in custody since July 2022.

Judge Jonathan Carroll passed a 32-year sentence – 29 years in prison and three years on extended licence - after Foster was convicted following a trial.

Dealing with the personal statement from one of the victims, he said: “This was a window into the personal suffering of women who have suffered sexual violence.

“The uncertainties, the fears, the anxieties going forward – all of which were inflicted upon her by your own sense of sexual entitlement.”

The judge told the defendant he had used a grooming process against some of his victims to target them for his own sexual desires.

He added: “You still don’t recognise your guilt; you still don’t accept your criminal responsibility.

“You still continue to display a sense of sexual entitlement. I am entirely satisfied that you meet the test of a dangerous offender that you pose a serious risk of harm to the public.”

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Foster was told that he must sign on the sex offenders’ register for the rest of his life.

Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Constable James Limon said: “Roy Foster is a dangerous sexual predator who targeted and abused vulnerable females, both adult and children, over the last 40 years.

“His youngest victim managed to escape harm thanks to the quick-thinking actions of a member of the public. Had that not occurred, Roy Foster would have likely committed further offences against that child.

“I would like to commend all the victims for their bravery throughout the whole process and subsequent trial. It’s because of their bravery and commitment that Roy Foster is unable to harm anyone else. I hope they can take some comfort in that knowledge and start to move forward.”